Drinking And Driving Offences Lawyer Surrey
Drinking And Driving Offences Lawyer Surrey
Drinking And Driving Lawyer

Drinking And Driving Lawyer

For many, operating a vehicle can seem to be a mundane and an automated task in our everyday lives. However, operating a vehicle is subject to many regulations, including federal and provincial statutes. Many people are aware of the criminal offence of operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, but many do not understand the serious and long-term consequences of being convicted of such an offence. The law surrounding criminal charges, such as operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, or also known by many as drinking and driving, impaired driving, or DUI’s, has been and seems likely that it will continue to be a highly litigated area of the law.

Further, in British Columbia, you may have your licence suspended or your driving privilege prohibited if you are served with an Immediate Roadside Prohibition, also known as “IRP”, or Administrative Driving Prohibition, also known as “ADP”. It is imperative you speak with a lawyer immediately upon being served as these prohibitions carry with them very time-specific deadlines to apply for a review. If you miss these deadlines, usually 7 days once you are served with the prohibition, you may be barred from bringing an application for review. Therefore, it is critical you speak with a lawyer immediately.

If you are charged with any driving offence, such as a drinking and driving or if your licence is suspended/driving ability is prohibited, by retaining Gill and Gill, you will be retaining a firm that is experienced and well-versed in the evolving and highly litigious area of the law.

Google Reviews

  • Choosing a good lawyer is very important for anyone need legal advice and any kind of matter requires a lawyer . Mr. Raj gill , Anupum gill and the whole law firm is full of professionalism and most impotant that they are very honest with their great service as i came to them and told them that i don t know nothing , they treated me and probably everyone like their family and guided me through the proper process. Highly recommend this law firm and its true from my own experience. Thanks

    Joga Pandhi Avatar Joga Pandhi
    October 9, 2021
  • If you are dealing with any sought of charges Gill and gill law group is the place for your mental peace.Raj and Pavan are the pros in the business all you have to do is trust them.They understand you and treat like family.Thanks guys 💯💯💯

    Aman Singh Avatar Aman Singh
    February 26, 2024
  • Very knowledgeable and professional lawyers

    David Bola Avatar David Bola
    March 11, 2021
  • Would highly recommend not using these lawyers. They will charge the most they can and do literally the most minimal amount of work on your case.

    GDI Commando Avatar GDI Commando
    April 11, 2023
  • Anu is one of the best professionals I’ve ever had to work with. Responsive, efficient and knowledgeable. I highly recommend her.

    Angela Avatar Angela
    March 11, 2021